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National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction


The Government of India recognizes the need to evolve a participatory process of decision making in disaster management with active involvement of the Central & State Governments and stakeholders including people representing different interests in the field of disaster management. An institutional mechanism to address this need will not only strengthen the disaster management structure and institutions all over the Country but also will strengthen the federal polity and democratic governance in the larger interest of its people.

Accordingly, a multi-stakeholders and multi-sectoral National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) was constituted by Government of India vide Resolution dated 26th February 2013. The tenure of the platform is upto 2030. The original Resolution has been amended from time to time in order to have a wider participation of different stakeholders. Government of India has undertaken a thorough review in the list of members of NPDRR and it has been decided to consolidate all the previous amendments and to issue a revised comprehensive Resolution on 26th February, 2020.

For more information, >click here


Hon’ble Union Home Minister is the Chairperson of the NPDRR. Hon’ble Minister of State in-charge of Disaster Management in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Vice-Chairman, National Disaster Management Authority are the Vice-Chairpersons. Special Secretary /Additional Secretary /Joint Secretary in-charge of Disaster Management Division in the Ministry of Home Affairs is the convener of NPDRR.

Members of NPDRR include:



Third Session of NPDRR, 2023

The third session of NPDRR was held on 10th – 11th March, 2023 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on the theme of “Building Local Resilience in Changing Climate”. The event was inaugurated by Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Prime Minister.

It was having two plenary sessions, on the themes of “Mainstreaming DRR in social and economic sectors’ and “Risk Governance; Deepening Disaster Risk Management” along with the inaugural and valedictory session. Further, it was having eight thematic Sessions on the themes of

During the event, both the awardees of the Subhash Chandra Bose Aapda Prabandhan Puraskar-2023 viz. Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) and Lunglei Fire Station, Mizoram were felicitated by Shri Narendra Modi, Hon'ble Prime Minister. CAP portal and (SACHET) APP was also launched during the event.

Hon'ble Prime Minister's address at 3rd Session of NPDRR

Third Session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) - proceeding

Second Session of NPDRR, 2017

The second session of NPDRR was held on 15th and 16th May, 2017, in New Delhi, on the theme 'Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development: Making India Resilient by 2030'. The event was inaugurated by Hon’ble Union Home Minister. It had five technical sessions on the themes of "Understanding Disaster Risk", "Strengthening Disaster Risk Governance to Manage Disaster Risk", "Investing in Disaster Risk Reduction for resilience", “Enhancing Disaster Preparedness for Effective Response and to Build Back Better in Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction" and "Sendai Framework for DRR: Monitoring."

Second Session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction - Proceeding

First Session of NPDRR, 2013

The first session of NPDRR was held on 13th and 14th May 2013, in New Delhi on the theme ‘Mainstreaming DRR in Development: From Risk to Resilience’. The meeting was inaugurated by the then Hon’ble Prime Minister. It had 2 plenary and 6 thematic sessions, on "Harnessing Technology for DRR", "Making our Cities Safe", "Risk Financing Mechanisms", "Long Term Recovery and Rehabilitation", "Public Policy and Governance" and "Multi- Stakeholder Consultation."

First Session of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction - Proceeding