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As per Section 9(1) of the Disaster Management (DM) Act 2005, the National Executive Committee (NEC) may as and when it requires constituting one or more sub-committees, for the efficient discharge of its functions. The NEC will appoint the Chairperson of the sub-committee from amongst its members, and any person associated as an expert with any sub-committee shall be paid allowances as prescribed by the Central Government.

In accordance with the above, the NEC approved the constitution of the following sub-committees for the discharge of its functions of scrutiny of Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) reports:

These sub-committees will function on behalf of the NEC and will determine the extent of assistance and expenditure, which can be funded from the National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) as per Section 42 (2) of the DM Act, 2005. The recommendations of these committees will be placed before the High-Level Committee for approval of the amount of assistance from the NDRF.

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